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Lavane Garner
Born in Georgia
64 years
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How to clean your car's engine bay: a step-by-step guide. 1. don't panic. more information <a href=></a> when the engine has completely cooled off, get a radiator cap tester and put it on top of your radiator. this nifty device will allow you to pressurize your entire system, which will check a few different problems for you. if you don’t own one, don’t worry, most part stores like autozone will let you rent one for free. park the vehicle on safe and level ground, preferably under the shade. engage the parking brake and open the hood, ensuring the hood prop is in place. next, grab a socket set, loosen the battery terminals, and remove the battery from under the hood. not only will this prevent shorting the electricals, but it frees up space so you clean more efficiently. the other possibility is that there’s a lot of water inside your engine. in this case, there’s really nothing you can do other than salvage what you can and replace the rest. in a worst-case scenario, a hydrolocked engine can cost anywhere between $3,000-$8,000 . heres what the final result looks like: pcv valve malfunction.
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